The Ripple Effects of War, Floods, and Famine in Sudan                         A Humanitarian Catastrophe

As Sudan stands on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe, the African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) continues to document the devastating effects of ongoing conflict, climate disasters, and systemic neglect on the lives of millions. Our previous reports have shone a light on human rights violations in conflict zones across Sudan, and this latest crisis represents a grim continuation of the suffering faced by vulnerable communities across the country.

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South Darfur: Twenty IDPs die of malnutrition and untreated chronic diseases amidst a humanitarian crisis in Kalma IDP Camp

ACJPS is deeply concerned about the escalation of hostilities, combined with large-scale population displacement, and poor humanitarian access which has resulted in the death of several Sudanese citizens. ACJPS has documented incidents where 20 people including children have succumbed to malnutrition and untreated chronic illnesses in Kalma camp in South Darfur.

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