Sudan war update: Forty-seven detainees released, hundreds remain in custody

The African Center for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) has received reliable information indicating that 47 detainees held by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) were released while others escaped. The released detainees include 16 females. Some of the victims testified to ACJPS that they had been subjected to torture while in detention as they were beaten with water pipes and sticks, forced to stand under the sun for many hours, verbally abused, threatened to be sexually abused, held in poor detention facilities without ventilation and toilets, denied meals among other forms of torture and ill-treatment.

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Darfur: Forty-one civilians including children killed in Donki Shatta village and Nyala city

African Center for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) expresses deep concern about the continuous targeting of civilians by the Sudanese Army (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). ACJPS has documented two separate incidents where 41 civilians were killed and several others injured in Donki Shatta locality in North Darfur and Nyala city in South Darfur.

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Sudan: Sixty-six children detained and used as pawns by RSF against SAF

African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) strongly condemns the violations against children by both the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and allied militia in Sudan. In this release, ACJPS has documented an incident where 66 children were arrested in West Darfur by the RSF amidst allegations of recruitment of child soldiers into the armed conflict.

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Central Darfur: Deep concern for the safety and wellbeing of four Sudanese including HRDs detained in Zalingi city

The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) expresses its utmost concern over the physical safety and wellbeing of four Sudanese citizens including three human rights defenders detained by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). They were detained between 10th October and 6th November 2023 and have remained in RSF detention in Zalingi city, Central Darfur to date.

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SGBV: A Tool Used to Instill Fear in Sudan's Armed Conflict

Since April 15, 2023, when the armed conflict erupted in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum, violence has extended to various regions, resulting in the deaths of thousands of civilians and the displacement of millions of people. Amidst the turmoil and devastation, a less conspicuous but significant threat looms for civilians of all genders; an escalation in sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

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Sudan's War and its Devastating Impact on Infrastructure

Sudan's current conflict, marked by violence and displacement, has left a trail of destruction that extends far beyond immediate casualties. This comprehensive analysis delves into the multifaceted impact on crucial infrastructure, emphasizing the violation of international laws designed to protect civilians.

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The response of the UN Mechanisms to the Situation in Darfur since 15 April 2023

For the past seven months, particularly in May 2023, the Sudanese region of Darfur has been the scene of a bloody conflict that has led to the death of hundreds of civilians and the displacement of thousands. Darfur states are again ravaged by armed conflict, and atrocities are taking place on a comparable scale in the region. The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) are still killing, raping and looting the same Darfurian communities. The international response to the ongoing conflict has been glacial and the reaction to the situation in Darfur is ever slower. This is even though what is happening in Darfur is a direct outcome of the first Darfur crisis of the early 2000s, which brought forth the RSF and its leader General Mohamed Hamdan Dagolo, known as Hemedti.

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Empowering Sudan: The Crucial Role of Women in Peace Processes

Sudan, a nation marked by a history of conflict, underscores the vital importance of achieving lasting peace. This narrative explores the multifaceted role of women in Sudan, emphasizing their potential as catalysts for positive change in building a sustainable and inclusive peace. With women constituting half of Sudan's population, their active participation is not just a matter of equality but a strategic imperative.

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Justice for El Geneina: Mechanisms to  Holding Perpetrators Accountable for West Darfur Atrocities

El Geneina, a city in West Darfur, has endured a harrowing chapter in its history, characterized by a devastating war that left a wake of human rights violations and appalling crimes. Despite initially appearing safe at the onset of the current conflict, its tranquility shattered on the 24th day of April when the warring parties centered their fighting around it. The violence has since taken on an ethnic turn, leading to a new round of ethnic cleansing and demanding urgent action.

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Stolen innocence: Children forcefully recruited into armed conflict in Sudan

Conflict related violations against children has been happening in Sudan for decades. However, the situation took a turn for the worst when an armed conflict broke out between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on 15 April 2023. The warring parties have been involved in the commission of grave violations against children including the recruitment of child soldiers. Regardless of how children are recruited and their roles, child soldiers are victims, whose participation in conflict bears serious implications for their physical and emotional well-being. The children are commonly subjected to abuse and most of them witness death, killing, and sexual violence. Many are forced to commit violent acts against other children and civilians and and resultantly suffer serious long-term psychological consequences from such violations.

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The recent political and human rights developments in Darfur

There are significant developments on both the political and the human rights levels in Sudan during the past couple of months. In particular, the past few weeks have witnessed movements by the Rapid Support Forces to focus on the Darfur region, with the aim of using this region as a strategic military base from which it can bring about a change in the balance of military and political power.

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Al-jazeera state: 26 men arbitrarily arrested and allegedly killed by the Military Intelligence Unit in Wad Madani

The African Center for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) expresses deep concern about the rising levels of ethnic violence and the perpetuation of the trend by the warring parties in Sudan. In this release, ACJPS has documented incidents where Pro-National Congress Party (NCP) Military Intelligence personnel arrested and allegedly killed 26 male Sudanese citizens in Wad Madani, Al-jazeera state.

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